Beauty and body image
I felt compelled to write on the topic of beauty. We can’t define and generalise beauty as for each person it’s different. What may look beautiful to me, to another it may look ugly, be it a car, nature, clothes, a person etc. I have had a few conversations recently with my friend, I am not going to name them. We both think the same when it comes to beauty and body images about ourselves and this has made me think a lot as well, so I did a little bit experiment on Instagram. I put a photo of myself, all dressed up (the Asian one you like Shaun) and was surprised by the amount of friend requests I received from male strangers. I changed it back again to a ‘normal photo’ and nothing and then put it back to the Asian photo. It’s shallow to be honest to send a friend request based on a photo you like (unless it is online dating) as you don’t know them personally or have something in common with them, for them to find you. Why do I get attention from wearing a dress but n...