F amily and Framilies- What it means to me I find it interesting when I hear people's thoughts of what family means to them. When I tell people, I adopted my daughter or when I was going to have my hysterectomy, the reaction was don't you want your own children, or having your own child is different to looking after someone else's child even though Layla was part of our family for over four years. That's that person's prerogative but don't dismiss my motherly love for my child or think I could love a 'biological' child more as I KNOW I couldn’t. It did make me think though that when their children marry, what kind of pressure would be put on them to have their 'biological' children but may not be able to due to whatever reasons. I am questioned by many how come my daughter calls me mom but why wouldn't she. She’s only known me as her mum and not her birth mum. I always think wh...