People who have a Disability or Special Needs have no Quality of Life!

Last year COVID brought to the forefront how society views people who have a disability or special needs- that their life is deemed less important than a person who has no disability or special needs. Why do I say this? Well, there was a lot of talk about priority of beds if the hospitals became full and the Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders. If a person was ‘fit and well’, they would get priority over my daughter due to her Special Needs and Cystic Fibrosis and a DNR order due to her CF. It has been brought back into the spotlight due to Jo Whiley tweeting that her sister with learning disability had to wait as she came under No6 in the priority list, yet Jo had been offered it. Her sister is now in hospital with COVID, fighting for her life. So, who then assesses quality of life and what determines quality of life? Let’ first look at what quality of life means- in the English dictionary it states the degree to which an individual is healthy, comfortable, and able to participate in ...